Are you a basketball player who wants to increase your vertical leap? If so then read on. A proven way to increase your vertical leap is through weight training. You will need to develop your quad (quadriceps) and calf muscles. The most important muscle being your quad muscle which is the muscle in front of your thigh. That will help you get elevation and explode upwards.
Things you can do to develop these muscles are the following:
- For your quad muscles do leg presses on a leg press machine. Push weights outward and upward to develop these muscles. This is the best way to increase your vertical leap.
- Leg extensions, where you sit flat and lift weight upward with both legs also helps in developing your quad muscle.
If you don't have access to weight equipment then do wall sits. Drop your rear end down with your back against a wall until your knees are bent to a 90 degree angle and are parallel with the ground. Hold that position for as long as you can and add weight to your thighs as you continue to do this work out. You will feel a burn in your thighs. Hold it for as long as you can and then repeat it.
- Barbell Squats - To perform a barbell squat, go to the squat rack and hold a barbell behind your head with your hands more than shoulder width. The barbell will be resting on your upper back and shoulders. Next, bend your knees and lower your body no more than 90 degrees slowly and raise your body again slowly. Your back should be straight at all time and face up. Repeat. Perform 4-5 sets of 8-10 repeats with a weight heavy enough. You can also use dumbbells if you want. You need to hold them above your head with your hands.
To help develop your calf muscles you can do the following:
- Toe raises where you get up onto the balls of your feet pushing your body up and down..
- Line jumps where you jump over a line on the balls of your feet. Do these in four different directions, forward, backwards, left to right and right to left.
- Another way to develop your calf muscles is through sprints. Also do sprints with weight on your ankles.
- Use an agility ladder and do the different drills to help develop your calf muscles.
If you have access to a power running parachute you can do sprints with that.
- Jumping rope. Timed interval jumps and then every other day try and beat your score. For example forward jump for 5 minutes keeping your count and then try and beat it. Do double jumps, jump as high as you can and bring the rope around twice. Do for one minute and try and beat your score.